is affected by this disease. For me, it’s my brother's wife Annie who happened to notice an unusual dimpling in her breast tissue back in 2016. Her discovery led her on a life changing journey including a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, radiation and drugs with harsh side effects. She did everything she was supposed to do, was deemed to have “no evidence of disease” after treatment, and told she had a 12% chance of recurrence. Fast forward to April 2021 when an accidental fall requiring an X-ray happened to detect that the cancer was back - this time metastasized to her bone. Along with countless others, Annie is now learning to live while actively keeping Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer at bay.
Back when Annie was first diagnosed, I had channeled my fear and love and overwhelming feelings into a piece of art for her: "Hope on the Horizon". While designing this mural, I included many words specific to my connection with Annie: "sister-in-law" and "friend", "wife" (to my brother), "Aunt" (to my children), and "Hope on the Horizon", while still keeping it relevant to all. It was important for me to make it personal by using words like "mother" and "sister", so that others would picture who that is to them.
In addition to working with the team at Kendra Scott, I had the pleasure of working with Leigh Watson of Watson Murals to bring the mural to life. Located at the corner of S. Congress and Milton, it will be up for the month of October. See it in person, and while you're there, check out Kendra Scott's jewelry line benefitting the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. But above all, make time for those monthly self breast exams and don't skip your mammograms. And donate!