Months of being stuck inside. Homeschooling unmotivated kids. Trips cancelled. Plans vanished. And I completely acknowledge that I'm one of the lucky ones. With no direct link to a loved one with COVID-19, my personal experience with the pandemic has been one centered around adjusting to an abrupt life sheltering-in-place with a huge question mark looming for the future. During this time, like many of you, I have gone through such a range of emotions and feeling helpless in the situation. So I turned to one of the only places where I have control: my studio. Making art has always been a natural way for me to process events, good and bad and this life change was something that I had to get out. The issue was, I didn't feel like my normal, fluid "happy" style was fit to express this new messy reality. These feelings of disarray, unravelling, lack of control, mixed messages, picking up pieces, etc led me down a path of expression to include shards of paintings, tangled thread and jagged edges. In some of the titles, I have inserted humor, which is in no way meant to make light of the situation, but more to bring balance to all the heaviness.
Creating this series has helped me wrap my head around this unprecedented time we are going through and allowed it to move through me. I hope you enjoy the work and I wish you and yours an abundance of health and perseverance until we can return to a more familiar normal. Thanks for listening.